Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Attendance


Milton St John's has excellent pupil attendance and punctuality and we want this to continue.

We cannot stress enough how excellent attendance will help your child achieve better results and the good habits will continue into high school, and onwards to further education and in their future work.

Parents shape whether children develop a habit of attendance. 

Did you know?

  • Your child's education can suffer if they miss 10% of school days, approximately 18 days. That can be just one day every two weeks, and that can happen before you know it.
  • It doesn’t matter if these absences are excused or unexcused. They all represent lost time in the classroom and a lost opportunity to learn.
  • Too many absent students can affect the whole classroom.

We closely monitor all pupils attendance but especially pupils' who are below 95% attendance, and who have more than usual absences and will be writing to these families to inform them on a half-termly basis.

Where attendance is of concern to us we will invite families to attendance panel meetings. Remember if there are specific medical, or other problems that we need to know about, please do not delay in speaking to us.

Our ultimate aim is to work together with families to achieve the best attendance possible for your child. Poor attendance can result in penalty notices; important information regarding penalty notices is available on

Please remember, it is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility to inform school on the first day that their child is absent from school and then provide school with an explanation, in writing, on their return to school, which should be hand delivered to the school office without delay.